Paul Harris Fellows
You won’t be in Rotary long without hearing the name of Paul Harris, Rotary’s founder.
Contributions to The Rotary Foundation at various levels qualify for a variety of different levels of recognition. You can be recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow when you give $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. To recognize someone else as a Paul Harris Fellow, you can give that amount in his or her name. You are recognized as a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow with each additional gift of $1,000.
The Rotary Club of Fairhope has always been proud to have a large number of Paul Harris Fellows. In June 2014, the club became a 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club, which means that at a given moment, every single member of the club was a Paul Harris Fellow. Since that time, some new members have joined who are not yet PHFs. Because of the large number of PHFs in the club, we now list only those who are Multiple Paul Harris Fellows.
Warren Bill Ainsworth+2 | Suzanne S. Barnhill+8* | Charles E. Bassett+1 |
Clarence H. Bishop+5 | Jerry Blacklaw+8* | Eugene W. Brabston, Jr.+2 |
Leonard J. Breitfeller+1 | Joseph H. Bullington, Jr.+2 | Robert B. Callahan, Jr.+8* |
Robert A. Clark+1 | Terry L. Cook+3 | Henry Crawford+2 |
Sergio R. D’Oliveira+1 | Howard N. Eddy+3 | N. Cecile Godfrey+1 |
William D. Hart+1 | Xavier A. Hartmann III+3 | Brenda Garrison Hinds+1 |
Philip M. Hodgson+1 | Faron L. Hollinger+1 | James E. Jeffries+1 |
Charles T. Johnson, Jr. +1 | Rebecca B. Jones+1 | Poenta Chavers Luckie+1 |
Linda Mong+8* | Seth W. Moore+3 | Xian Chu Ou+1 |
Richard M. Phyfer+1 | Ina Elizabeth Purvis+2 | James H. Reid+1 |
Edward C. Schnell+3 | Ramez G. Skaff+6 | Leonard Owen Turner II+1 |
Anil K. Vira+1 | Carswell M. Walcott+1 | Sally S. Wall+1 |
Gilbert F. Wright+1 | Marion E. Wynne, Jr.+1 | Michael J. Zoghby+1 |
+1, +2, +3, +4, +5 Multiple PHF, *Major Donor