Officers and Directors
President |
Anil Vira |
Vice President/President Elect |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Memorie Martinez |
Immediate Past President |
Brian Lorenzato |
Sergeant-at-Arms |
Dana Maloney |
Executive Secretary |
Community Service |
Disaster Response |
Rotary Foundation/PolioPlus |
Grants |
Youth Service and Rotary Youth Club Liaison |
Membership: Recruitment |
Seth Moore |
Membership: Education |
Jerry Blacklaw |
Programs |
John Bowman |
Family of Rotary Chaplain |
Mike Dodd |
Family of Rotary Fellowship |
Gerald Tipton |
Public Relations/Social Media |
Club Foundation Liaison |
Awards |
Ex Officio (District Governor) |
Ex Officio (Vice Governor) |
Ex Officio (Assistant Governor) |
Council of Past Presidents |
Brian Lorenzato |