Meeting Recordings
Recordings of our meetings will be posted here as they become available. Viewing any one of these recordings can be counted as a makeup if reported to the club secretary.
March 26, 2025: Dr. Mark Hammond, “Lessons from the Blue Zones”
March 19, 2025: Jeanne Warner, the medical bags that have been prepared for disaster response teams
March 12, 2025: Alex Owen, Southern Grove Vineyard
March 5, 2025: Sherry Sullivan, Mayor of Fairhope [no recording]
February 26, 2025: Deann Servos, Prodisee Pantry
February 19, 2025: Penny Hughey, Director of Community Development, Lee Charities, “The Sea Glass Initiative”
February 12, 2025: Greg Powers, N4RAI, President of the South Baldwin Amateur Ratio Club, “Why Become a Ham Radio Operator”
February 5, 2025: Henry Perkins, Private Sector Program Lead, and Christian Miller, Public Sector Program Lead, Mobile Bay National Estuary Program on what the MBNEP does.
January 29, 2025: Gregory Leeson, author of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives: A Path to Reconciliation in Our Divided Times, on his travels around the country interviewing people
January 22, 2025: NO MEETING—Canceled on account of SNOW!
January 15, 2025: Club business: Presentation of a PHF+1 pin to Len Turner, induction of new member Jeanne Warner, report on some of our global grant programs, details of plans for the Midyear Conference, and an announcement about member photos to be shot January 22 and 29
January 8, 2025: Paul Brueske, talking about his new book, “Digging All Night and Fighting All Day”: The Civil War Siege of Spanish Fort and the Mobile Campaign, 1865
December 18, 2024: Christmas Music Program (Jerry Blacklaw, Necie Borroni, Becky Jones, Rick Schrand, Gil Wright, Mike Zoghby)
December 11, 2024: Michelle Kruger, President, Austal USA
December 4, 2024: Kaitlyn Alderman, State Workforce Manager, and Andy Lowe, SME/Civic Liaison, Transfer, virtual reality career exploration and workforce training
November 20, 2024: Anne Davis, Kidz Eatz
November 13, 2024: Shai Markris, Prevention Developer for AltaPointe Health Systems, and Sheri Swartz, Fairhope Police Department, “Administering Naloxone”
November 6, 2024: Mike Neal, Head Baseball Coach at the United States Sports Academy, “What’s New at USSA?”
October 30, 2024: René Wilkins, the Hearts For God Sewing Ministry at First Baptist Church, Fairhope.
October 23, 2024: Dr. Andy Tubertini, our Hurricane Helene efforts in Florida
October 9, 2024: Dr. Brian Pierce, Baldwin County Coroner, “Growth Through the Eye of the Coroner”
October 2, 2024: District Governor Howard Eddy, Official Visit
September 25, 2024: Stephen Savage, Fairhope Film Festival (unfortunately, the recording was corrupted)
September 18, 2024: Kirk McConnell, WKRG-TV News Director, “The State of Local News”
September 11, 2024: Kim McKeough, Quilts of Valor (with a musical appetizer)
September 4, 2024: Dr. Aaron Milner, president of Coastal Alabama Community College
August 28, 2024: Gail Linkins, her career in the Secret Service and TSA
August 21, 2024: District 94 State Representative Jennifer Fidler, “Legislative Update”
August 14, 2024: AG Mike Sledge, upcoming District 6880 events (see also this YouTube video)
August 7, 2024: Allana Chris, founder, Little Tree Project
July 31, 2024: Murray Cameron, City of Fairhope Sanitation Supervisor
July 24, 2024: Cori Yonge on “Democracy in Danger: News Deserts and Ghost Newspapers.”
July 17, 2024: Jason Smith, Chief Meteorologist, FOX 10, “Hurricane Season”
June 26, 2024: Sally Deane, Executive Director, Ecumenical Ministries, Inc.
June 19, 2024: Cade Kistler, Mobile Baykeeper
June 12, 2024: Brief cookoff report by Chad Clark and International Convention notes by Anil Vira
May 29, 2024: Fairhope Police Department School Resource Officer Corporal Bunky Bishop, the Fairhope SRO program
May 22, 2024: Joan Kellis, Anchor Cross Cancer Foundation
May 15, 2024: Jamie Rollins, City of Fairhope Horticulture & Landscape Supervisor, Fairhope’s horticulture program
May 8, 2024: Last-minute cookoff information and instructions
May 1, 2024: Shawn Graham, Hope Community
April 24, 2024: Interactors Mary Thomas Butler, Meg Galloway, and Coleman Kennedy on this year’s Interact projects and their experience at RYLA, plus cookoff updates from Chad Clark
April 17, 2024: Rick Miller, executive director of Hatch Fairhope, update on programs and the planned space at the K-1 Center
April 10, 2024: Jerry Blacklaw, presentation of the Blake Bauer Memorial Service Award to Drew Craze
April 3, 2024: Chad Clark and Anil Vira, information on sponsorships for the steak cookoff [no recording]
March 27, 2024: Rhyan Wasp, insurance options to help small business owners in Baldwin County
March 20, 2024: Jeff Molby, Caro, Michigan, Rotarian, currently pedaling around the country to help people get their cancer appointments via the American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery program.
March 13, 2024: Charles Durgin, Rotary Youth Club director